Food & Beverage Photography
Your food will look as good as it tastes.

I grew up in the restaurant industry.
This gives me a deep appreciation for the work that goes into preparing and serving a great meal.
Every image helps.
Building a successful restaurant is not easy.
A cohesive package of images of the food and drinks you serve and the environment you have created can help get features in the press and customers in the door (or orders placed online!)

Restaurant Photography Packages
5 Images
A couple menu items and cocktails, plus interior and exterior photos.
6-10 Images
A handful of menu items and cocktails, plus interior and exterior photos.
11+ Images
Your entire menu, plus a complete series of interior and exterior photos.
Staff Documentary Projects
In 2015, I participated in the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington’s RAMMYs InFocus Photography Project. InFocus focused on the staff members and culture of association restaurants that make a restaurant a restaurant; the waiters, bartenders, porters, line cooks, shift managers and hosts.
I absolutely love making this type of work and would love to build a similar portfolio of images featuring your staff.